TextGRAB SDK Documentation | ITextGRABSDK::SetLicense

Setup the license key and user name.

HRESULT SetLicense(

BSTR User,


[Visual Basic]

ByVal User As String,
ByVal Key As String


void ITextGRABSDK.SetLicense(

string User,
string Key



[in] user name. If empty string is passed – SDK will be initialized in trial mode. If using trial mode – key parmeter should be also empty string.
[in] registration key. If empty string is passed – SDK will be initialized in trial mode. If using trial mode – User parmeter should be also empty string.


This function should be called before other SDK functions. If it was not called – all SDK functions will return with E_FAIL result.

Return Value(s)


Return Value(s) Definitions
S_OK (0x00000000) Operation was completed successfully.
E_FAIL (0x80004005) User name or key is not valid or trial period was expired (if you use trial version).

See Also

ITextGRABSDK interface